I empower my clients to clear their blocks to happiness, health and abundance. This is achieved through emotional healing and restoring your true self so that you are able to stand in your own power and create the life of your dreams. 
How I can help you
My typical client is a woman who has come to the realization that she is not fully happy with her life or with herself. She may be feeling stuck and unsure of what she wants to do with her life. There can be problems in her relationships and in the way she relates to herself. She has dreams and aspirations but lacks the courage and the faith to pursue them. It may also be that she has all the material wellbeing she could ever hope for but inside she’s starving.
Through personal empowerment and healing, I teach my clients how to release unhealthy feeling and thinking habits that are causing self-sabotage and lack of direction. Once we clear those out, their inner guidance system will start to function and they are able to make better choices that will lead to a life of purpose and happiness.
Listed below are some of the tools I use to facilitate healing and deep transformation.
Come Back To Happiness In Yourself™ Healing Program
Changing your life takes time and it cannot be done in one session. Transformation is a journey of self-discovery and growth. As your guide, I help you identify who you truly are and clear the things that are holding you back from creating a life where you feel happy and alive. The healing program addresses three key areas: healing unresolved trauma, clearing toxic emotional energy and upgrading your beliefs to better serve you. This will gradually lead to restoration of your authentic self and creating a life that you love.
I’ve been there, I’ve found a way back to happiness and authenticity and I want to help you be all you were meant to be. A detailed description of the program can be found here.
One of the things that compromises our health and happiness is having negative belief systems that block the flow of good things in our life. With ThetaHealing® we can identify and change those beliefs so that we may experience better health and wellbeing. I use ThetaHealing as part of my Come Back To Happiness In Yourself Healing Program.
”I’ve found ThetaHealing and I think it’s the best possible tool for helping people.” – Anna, M.D.
Learn more about ThetaHealing® here.
Emotional Freedom
Holding on to negative emotions has an affect on every part of our lives from our relationships to our finances, to our energy levels and mental and physical health. Toxic emotions can keep us stuck repeating unwanted patterns. When you clear the toxic emotions, you free yourself to experience more joy and inner peace, you improve your relationship with yourself and others and free up a huge amount of energy that you can use in a positive way. Life will begin to support you in an entirely new way. I use a technique called Clearing Toxic Emotions as part of my Come Back To Happiness In Yourself Healing Program.
“A heavenly thank you for yesterday! I feel like my entire nervous system is cleansing. I fell asleep on the couch and suddenly felt like a baby being cradled. I felt so safe and secure. A wave of forgiveness, gratefulness and love washed over me!” – Ilona
Learn more about Clearing Toxic Emotions here.
Coaching & mentoring for entrepreneurs
Many of my clients are entrepreneurs or want to start their own business as coaches, healers and trainers in the wellness industry. I started with nothing and have been able to build a successful career for myself. I love to see other people succeed in doing what they love to do. This world needs more people who are doing what they love, helping other people and making a positive impact on the world. As your coach I will help you find your strengths, clear your blocks to success and take steps towards realizing your dreams.
“Thank you for the coaching, it was very fruitful! I now have new clients coming in on a daily basis and I get to work on the types of projects that I wanted. I also found an intern who helped me with a demanding project. Things are looking up!” – Tuija